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How can we assist you?

Planning consultancy

Our approach to defining strategy begins with a thorough balance sheet analysis, focusing on both costs and revenues. As regards costs, we examine how to optimize them through targeted and effective interventions. Regarding revenues, we carefully analyze the variables that determine the ideal position and sales rates, in order to always be aligned with the changing needs of the market. Our keystone is the dynamic tariff, capable of adapting to constant market fluctuations. We create the forecast Business Plan for your project, taking into account the variables related to the construction, investment and management of accommodation facilities, both new and existing.

Business Analysis

Together, we will evaluate:

Budget analysis - Revenue Maximization - Cost optimization - Analysis of Market Variables - Dynamic Rate - Feasibility Study - Examination of Variables and KPIs - Periodic forecasts - Investment Planning - Sensitivity Analysis - Marketing campaigns

Global expansion

​ Our goal is to identify the most profitable hotel project, having an in-depth understanding of the context in which it fits, the target audience and the market conditions. Through our feasibility study, we develop a Business Plan and a budget forecast in which we examine costs and revenues in different potential scenarios. At, we work to maximize the profitability of our clients' hotels by optimizing their online visibility and planning social campaigns with a measurable and guaranteed return.

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